Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need a path...

I need a path that will lead me to success....
A path that I can take that will result in no stress!
I need a path that will lead me to many blessings
A path that will allow me to learn different lessons
I need a path that will teach me right from wrong
A path where I can listenin to music an play my favorite song
I need a path that will lead me to happiness
A path that's painless
I need a path that will lead me to answers to all my wonders
A path where I will see lots of sunshine an little thunder
I need a path that will allow me to help others
A path where I can be a rolemodel for all my sisiters and brothers
I need a path that will allow me to be independent
A path where I'll make my own money so how I want is how I'll spend it
I need a path that will allow me to feel protected and secure
A path that I'll take an I'll kno its the right one for sure
I need a path that will lead me to success
I need a path.......

Wont Change

I will be me tomorrow and today
This is who I am everyday, all day
I wont change for anyone
I will be me this month and this year
This is who I am for life
I wont change for anyone even if I thought twice
I will be me sooner and later
This is who I am, if not greater
I won't change for anyone
I will be me every minute every hour
This is who I am, watch me grow like a flower
I won't change for anyone
I will be me in the past and present
This is who I am, unwrapped like a presant
And I won't change for anyone!

taste of 18

Taste of 18

taste of taste
different with every gulp

thats illegal
your not 21 yet at all

that it not right
you make no sense

friend who is 18
is allowed to go join the army

to die for his country
yet not allowed to have a drink

That is preposterous!
That is unjust!

look at us that way
and maybe we will have something great to say one day

and you will sit and listen
for the first time


I remember the days
Along time ago
We were just friends
But little did we know

Best friends
Is what we became
From that point on
Things were never the same

Fun times
And crazy nights
Many things said
And just a few fights

Secrets shared
And tears shed
Memories made
And nothing said

Girls in our lives
And not enough time
Girls soon gone
And it's the same old rhyme

But no matter what happens
We'll always be friends
And get through it all
Right till the end

This I promise
Till the day I die
Your my best friend
And that isn't a lie.

Because Really You Only Need You

Beauty inspires without trying
Warmth touches without knowing
Your gift shines on us all
Brings both to us from afar

Splendor just below the surface
Love waiting for a chance
Lucky to be in your path
The one that becomes your man

Your thoughts caress my life
Bringing light to my dark
For all that you've given me
You have a place in my heart
Looking out across the vast ocean
I wonder what you are doing
I tell the wind to find you
And whisper gently in you ear
That I am thinking about you

Looking up at the star covered sky
I know that you are sound asleep
I tell the moon to find you
And watch over you as you dream
A dream that keeps you warm at night

In the morning the birds sing
As the tide retreats to where it came
I tell the sun to wake you gently
Brush your hair from your eyes
With a warm gentle hand

I hope each day that you wake
Is happier than the day before
The sun warms you, the wind cools you
The ocean calms your inner storm
As I send all my cuddles from the other shore

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

broken heart....

Quoi d'autre ?..... l'amour de ma vie m'a laissé ..... .... il est banal, mais si j'ai vraiment écrit un goodie .. il n'aurait eu aucune fin.

Il ya un an, vous avez tous des mines,
Ton coeur, ton âme, il était divin.
Vous avez dit à moi dans tous les sens,
Je fais chaque jour Valentines Day.
Un an est passé, maintenant, vous n'êtes pas ici,
Vous êtes allé pour de bon, ma plus grande peur.
J'aimerais bien savoir exactement ce à dire,
Afin de vous avoir ici, et dire que vous rester.
Essayez de chercher votre esprit et de voir,
Le temps nous avons eu, et ce qui pouvait l'être.
Donc, je suis assis ici, où dois-je commencer?
Pour tenter de réparer mon coeur brisé.

i hate commitments....

les engagements que ma plaque obtient plus petit chaque engagements de jour dans quelques minutes je dois la
course à l'école et copie 630 bulletins de PTO et sépare et les enfonce dans les professeurs emballe et j'ai
été supposé pour le faire hier et j'ai oublié que les engagements que ma plaque obtient plus petit chaque
samedi d'engagements de jour il y a un rassemblement d'amis chez moi, Noël traite les moquettes ont besoin de
l'aide qu'aucuns présents sont achetés et la nourriture les engagements de nourriture ma plaque obtient plus
petit jamais les engagements de jour vérifiant des devoirs, marchant des chiens s'asseyant à mon bureau,
lavant des chaussettes, vendant le produits ou ne souriant pas et paraît joli ma tête fractionne sous les
engagements dévoués à ceci dévoué à que je déteste les engagements de mot peuvent j'obtiens quelque Aide vous
fait ici pense que je jamais pourrait apprendre le sens du mot non je peux pas je ne ferai pas commettre à un
plus condamner la chose que je suis hors suis j'écrivant même la droite stupide de mot en retard je suis toujours dernier...... argh......:(


La musique court par notre sang et nous courons après lui. Nous cherchons de petits cafés-restaurants et les
petites librairies. Les amateurs à une nuit de mic ouverte avec les paroles et nous lèche n'a jamais entendu.

Les airs faits au hasard jouent par notre cabine et hors sur la porche. Une unité de l'heure à Nashville où
les chansons et les voix naissantes sont disponibles sur chaque coin. Un monde différent en bas la route.

Je suis arrivé sur ce Papa d'audience de terre chante les airs de spectacle et chantonnant à mes temps fiévreux « Vous ne Sont
pas malade que vous êtes juste dans l'amour ». Vous avez écouté Frank Sanatra et Dean Martin et avez regardé votre danse de
maman autour de la cuisine.

Les ballades et la Grande Bande, le Reggae et le Rock and Roll. Nous rions ensemble aux crochets dans la musique country et nous formons notre propre : « Il doit
y avoir deux de moi ‹ cause je suis à côté de me ». Nous continuons à jouer dans l'harmonie par le rythme et le silence de nos jours.


i love to be alone

I did not see it, therefore it did not happen.
I did not see the death of one.
I did not witness the extermination of millions.
I did not write the history, therefore it is false.
I will not believe what I did not write.

I did not sanction a soldier to die for me; I am free by my own accord.
I do not see the sacrifice of millions or feel the pain of their suffering.
I did not cry for lost.
I will not cry for those I did not know.
I did not hear it, therefore it did not occur.

I need not be grateful for those who came before me.
I need not be grateful to those who greeted me with freedom.
I need no one to guide me through life.
I ask no one for help with the inequities of living.
I will not acknowledge the assistance for the free way of thinking I enjoy.
I did not ask for help, therefore I am myself.

I am me.
I am not lonely.
I need no one for help or love.
I love nothing for there is nothing to love.
I am not emotional, therefore I need no one.

I am isolated from humanity.
I am isolated from myself.
I therefore am not allowing myself to feel.
I will not feel for those who died before me.
I will not grieve for the sacrifice others have made for me.
I will remain lonely.